I started out building something that I could throw onto YouTube demonstrating the joys of pistons and all the different contraptions that are possible with them… I kinda kept going and in the end I made something that seemed like an adventure map! So I put up some signs, added a few puzzles and uploaded it for all to see! This was my first ever adventure map experience. It was created shortly after playing Redmurk Mystery and its positive feedback is what prompted me to see it through and build more maps. I’m glad I made it, despite how bad it is.
In this video, you can see a bit of some of the puzzles, but no spoilers.
Please give it a try and tell me what you think. If you don’t like it please also let me know. It was fun making it, but adventure maps are made for others, so I would like to know whether I “have it” as an adventure map builder or not. <- This was written on the original post, look at that self confidence!
Download it here: Click Here to Download!
Yay for long, crushing, corridors.
Behind the Scenes:
This map has loads of potential. All you have to do is fill and replace sandstone with gold blocks!
This one was very disapoiting, after I played The City Of Love…
You have no idea what to call the map do you? Changing the name every so often 😛
It will stay called this I think. It’s so bad, it doesn’t deserve a real name :p