I don’t often post changelogs, but when they’re as major as this one, and for a map as popular as Simburbia, I thought it might be a good idea.
This is called the Creative Update because there is a major new addition: Creative Mode. This puts you in the designer seat and gives you access to all the blocks and tools that our amazing builder Bluehush used to create all the beautiful builds in the game.

In addition we fixed a whole bunch of missing translations for JP, DE, BR, FR, MX, AND in the case of PS4 issues, while we wait for Mojang to actually fix the bugs, there are a bunch of recovery buttons at NPCs near the problem. For example, if your recycler stopped giving you money you can talk to Luke, or if your Ultra Power Plant didn’t upgrade properly you can talk to Carter to double check the items.
Finally, there were a lot of abandonment tweaks. I heard you, too many abandonments. Well now, higher land value properties abandon much less frequently, and EZ mode has them reduced even further too. Below is the full list.
- added a creative mode
- added a whole bunch more translations for items and missing dialogue
- added secret cave with zombie villagers and weakness potions to be able to play survival
- added an end portal for people who want to play survival
- added alert if you change to creative mode in simburbia play modes
- added a way to fix the dump on PS4
- added a way to fix the time on PS4
- added a way to fix the ultra power plant on PS4
- add some way for carter to check the items to see whether ultra power plant is broken or not on PS4
- made fall back for ps4 in case gwcount scoreboard is lost
- made fall back for ps4 in case ghcount scoreboard is lost
- removed schedule check
- added a button for carter to turn the power plant off and on again
- the first advisor sign wasnt translated
- added dialogue for carter to reset the power plant – need to translate manually
- changed abandonment timing slightly to bunch up in the middle of the month
- slightly lowered overall abandonment rate
- rebalanced abandonment to happen less frequently at higher land values
- action.hint for the airplane for leaving was incorrect
- added clarity on the city dump message so people go to luke
- random hints are now off – fixed spelling mistake
- bolded part in the advisor message about map in inventory
- the play type overlay turns on – tutorial message for plot types – fixed spelling mistake
- “you dont have enough money” string is not translated in the items – fixed
- ronalds first string is not translated – fixed
- sign not translated for the great works project monument de jig – fixed
- changed text from green to red for city dump being full, changed the tellraw msg – fixed