Wow, City of Love just cracked 200,000 downloads. That’s always an impressive milestone and is quickly becoming my most downloaded map. It still has a little while to catch Eronev Mansion Adventure, but I have no doubt it will catch it within the month. That’s such a crazy high number in such a small amount of time. People want a City of Love 2 but I feel like if exactly the same thing was made it would diminish it somewhat so it’s a matter of finding a balance of new vs old. But at the same time, I have a hard time making sequels that aren’t completely different from the map preceding it. New is always more exciting than rehashed. Anyway I could never have made City of Love without the help of the awesome people who made it possible.
Faume spent almost as much time as me tolling away on the redstone and testing and retesting mechanics and ideas. Without rsmalec and vladimyr we would never have been able to come up with such diverse and interesting characters and their building and texture work was key to City of Love. If you have played superheroes, the city-scape might look familiar… very familiar. And the church was a vlad construction late one night, I was tired and was starting to give up hope that this map would ever get finished. Him building the church was the ray of sunshine guiding us to the end. And Nirgalbunny was the brains behind the original concept for the dialogue tree. It’s gone through many revisions since then but without that first idea with the levels, and jumping around different sections, this map wouldn’t have been made possible. Also the people that are disgusted by the barkeep? You’re lucky she didn’t turn out like Nirgalbunny’s original plan. Maybe we’ll leave that a secret for now. Of course there are many others this map is much better for, KupoKupo for work with the texturepack and the main street and of course texelelf whose filters made this map be possible to come out now and not a year from now. His filters saved us a mountain of work. As well as Abrightmoore whose tools have been super handy.
So what’s next? My PVP map is almost done. I’m still running test games and balancing it. I have an idea for my next major adventure map with an interesting mechanic and I am hoping to release a few smaller maps in the mean time while still keeping this page updated. I still want to add and update my legacy maps “My First Map: Piston Dungeon” and “Lava Survival Dungeon” despite how bad they both are. Also the seedlings of a few collaborations, but those are probably a long ways off. Maybe a few extra shirt designs for the few that might be interested… to be honest I’m mainly making them for me but I figure some people might want one so they’re available and I’ll post here when new designs are up.