Great Works Projects! In the latest Sim City there was a concept of great works projects. They’re big projects that take a lot of time and money to create that greatly benefit the cities surrounding it… Well Simburbia is just a single city, and I wanted great works projects anyway. So these work a little bit differently. I really wanted to “gameify” the process a bit and these great works projects sort of monument in the Minecraft sense. But I also wanted to give them value. Each monument comes with a bunch of added abilities for the player, and other things that benefit the town. They’re expensive and have high requirements, but they’re certainly worth getting.
Every weekend from now on I’ll be releasing a video on Simburbia. So if you’re interested in Sim City in Minecraft, then stay tuned! Of course you could just subscribe to Jigarbov on youtube (… but there will be additional information right here with each update.