All about residential plots! It shows the different ways the residential plots interact with other plots. Pretty self explanatory really. Here’s a list!
Industrial +1 – Residential -1
Residential +1 – Residential +1
Commercial +1 – Residential +1
As you can see, residents have a positive effect on everything! Yay for residents!
Every weekend from now on I’ll be releasing a video on Simburbia. So if you’re interested in Sim City in Minecraft, then stay tuned! Of course you could just subscribe to Jigarbov on youtube (… but there will be additional information right here with each update.
Here’s another bonus this week. Scenes from rsmalec playing in a beta version of the map. You’re going to see things in a little more detail in this one.
when will it come out i cant wait for it
Whenever 1.8 comes out 🙂