It’s a jetpack.
Every weekend from now on I’ll be releasing a video on Simburbia. So if you’re interested in Sim City in Minecraft, then stay tuned! Of course you could just subscribe to Jigarbov on youtube (… but there will be additional information right here with each update.
Hey I thought of a great idea you could add to Simburbia! When a disaster occurs; ei Creeper, Griefers, Flood/Leak; in chosen areas of the map beacons will flash different colours – depending on the type of disaster. I made a video showing what colours will appear, and how the basics of it works! I felt like this could add a cool aesthetic thing to it.
I appreciate you considering the ideas I might have. Thanks.
Hmm I like the idea… but to be honest the map is pretty much done… you might even be able to download it tomorrow, but don’t tell anyone else that. I am however always looking for other ideas, for IF I ever make a sequel, I do kinda like the idea of a warning system, but it wouldn’t work in the way it currently works.
That’s fine! <3 the map so far anyway, keep up the good work 😀